Non-Profit Organization
About Us
MagLiteracy.org, a national program, increases literacy by supplying new and recycled magazines and comics to readers who have limited access to reading materials via community and humanitarian organizations such as food pantries, shelters and youth mentoring and job training programs.
With more than 7,000 titles in the United States alone, across over 60 categories for every age, enthusiasm, professional aspiration, and language, magazines are very powerful for literacy. Consumers, publishers and retail newsstands donate new and recycled, good quality magazines and comics, or donate funds, so we are able to offer the magazines at no cost to qualified organizations.
We work closely with organizations such as food banks and pantries; shelters for people experiencing homelessness, domestic abuse or human trafficking; schools, youth mentoring, job training and foster children programs; veteran service groups; and rehabilitation programs for inmates to get the magazines into the hands of readers.
Our volunteers sort and assemble reading materials to stock literacy newsstands, and into literacy boxes, which are then available locally for pickup or delivery, or may be shipped, as our resources allow.
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